Yoga Thoughts & Reflections …

“te juro es dengue”
My experience with dengue in 2023. A scary feeling of being alone, dealing with something so unknown, to quickly learn that I was not alone at all.

When 12 Becomes 24
Learning to surrender when your 12 hour overnight bus ride becomes 24 hours with no clear reason why.
Can Gratitude Make You Happier?
How gratitude can help you be happier along the journey instead of waiting for some desired outcome. (Hint: that desired outcome may never arrive, and you should be happy anyways.)

Con Calma …
Thinking about the meaning of con calma and how to live differently with this in mind. What would change if we kept calmness at our centre?

Best Yoga Poses for the Morning
Looking for a small shift to your routine that can make a big difference in your day? Try these yoga poses in the morning and reap the benefits all day long.